Office Closed

Trinity Lutheran Church 223 South Water, New Hampton, Iowa, United States

Wednesday, April 12

8:30am Quilting 1:30pm Women's Bible Study (Hostess: Geri Oltrogge) 5:00 - 5:50pm NO MEAL 5:30 - 7:30pm LIGHT SKATING PARTY at Crystal Ball Skating Rink, Hotdogs, Treats & Drinks Provided 6:00-6:30pm NO Worship, LIGHT or Confirmation 6:30pm Bell Choir & Gospel Group Practice

Bible Study

Trinity Lutheran Church 223 South Water, New Hampton, Iowa, United States

Vacation Bible School July 17 – 20, 2023

Trinity Lutheran Church 223 South Water, New Hampton, Iowa, United States

VBS, which is right around the corner - July 17-July 20 from 9am-3pm! Your child will need to bring a sack lunch and a water bottle with them each day. We will provide a snack in the morning which will include a fun themed snack and a drink This year we will have themed dress […]


Trinity Lutheran Church 223 South Water, New Hampton, Iowa, United States

Polka Service Music with Barefoot Becky and the Ivanhoe Dutchmen