Get Involved
Share God’s Word – Be strengthened and nourished through the Word and Sacraments from birth to old age
Spread God’s Love – Reach out with caring concern, responding to human need
Shine God’s Light – Show the Spirit of God, in word and deed, through daily living
Get Involved

- Share God’s Word – Be strengthened and nourished through the Word and Sacraments from birth to old age
- Spread God’s Love – Reach out with caring concern, responding to human need
- Shine God’s Light – Show the Spirit of God, in word and deed, through daily living

Building and Grounds
The gathering space for celebrating the life changing presence of Jesus among us.
Congregational Life
Deepen your faith and join the fun with dozens of volunteers and students

Social Ministry
May He fill your heart to overflowing that you may bless the community around you.
Youth Group
Support the young people of the congregation doing God’s work in the community, country and world.

Other Volunteer Opportunities
- Congregational Council members serve for a one or three year term.
- Endowment Committee to manage scholarships and investment funds
- Synod Assembly or Summer Bible Camp representatives
Volunteer with us!
Help us Share God’s Word, Shine God’s Light and Spread God’s Love.
Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”
L.I.G.H.T. Learning In God’s Household Together for Preschool through 6th Grade
Wednesday evening meal followed by contemporary worship service and religious education, September through May.
- Confirmation Grades 7th through 9th with Confirmation Service in October
- Classes held in conjunction with LIGHT schedule, plus some fun activities.
- A mature and public profession of the faith
High School Mission Work
Local helping hands work and an annual mission trip with Youth Works for High School Youth. Fund raising includes Chicken Dinner, Cookie Walk, Soup Suppers, Sales of Script Cards